Customer or Insurance Company Audits

⦁ Documentation review
⦁ Evaluation of action items and/or corrective actions
⦁ Corrective Action/Preventative Action plans and implementation
⦁ Preparation of documentation (responses)

ISO 14001: 2015

International standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). It provides a framework that an organization can follow, rather than establishing environmental performance requirements.

ISO 45001:2018 (gap analysis for transition)

International standard for occupational health and safety, issued to protect employees and visitors from work-related accidents and diseases. ISO 45001 certification was developed to mitigate any factors that can cause employees and businesses irreparable harm.

OHSAS 18001: 2007 (transition to ISO 45001)

British Standard for occupational health and safety management systems. Compliance with it enabled organizations to demonstrate that they had a system in place for occupational health and safety.

OSHA Inspections & Audits:

⦁ Violation Abatements
⦁ Coordinate conferences with OSHA Inspectors
⦁ Corrective and Preventative Actions
⦁ Fines Negotiated
⦁ Training and Documentation Preparation

Social Compliance Audits:

⦁ Walgreens
⦁ Walmart
⦁ And others upon request

Running a safe company means that you have to account to certain legal and professional standards. It is important that your employees learn how to perform basic audits, inspections and assessments for several workplace scenarios.There are several standards that must be met in order to properly audit and inspect any given situation.

  • Customer or Insurance Company Audits
  • ISO 14001: 2015
  • ISO 45001:2018 (gap analysis for transition)
  • OHSAS 18001: 2007 (transition to ISO 45001)
  • OSHA Inspections & Audits
  • Social Compliance Audits

The training courses listed here will aid your team in learning how to review and prepare documents for recording workplace incidents and conditions. We flexibly cover all of the international standards for effective environmental management, occupational health and safety, and how to properly identify OSHA violations.

The main areas of focus for our audits and inspections courses include:

Customer or Insurance Company Audits

In this course, we will instruct your employees how to perform basic audits involving customer payrolls and insurance companies. Topics such as property insurance audits, worker’s compensation logs, and incident recording will be covered here.

ISO 14001: 2015

This is the international standard that outlines what is required in an effective environmental management system. In this course, we instruct your employees how to effectively identify an EMS, and how to maintain documented evidence that your EMS meets this standard. We will also instruct effective methods of recording evidence, as this is not specifically dictated by the standard itself. We will teach your team how to acknowledge and become aware of environmental objectives that will help you be in compliance of the international standard. In short, you will be taught how to run your business in an environmentally sound manner. What does this mean? Examples of topics that are covered in this course include:

  • What is your company’s environmental policy?
  • How does your company utilize resources such as water or energy?
  • Does your company recycle?
  • How does your company dispose of hazardous waste?

After you have identified some of these aspects, you will learn how to figure out the impact they have on the environment by using a scoring system that outlines each aspect’s environmental risk.

ISO 45001:2018

In these courses, you and your team will learn about the international standard for gap analysis of transition. This standard is the foundation of running a safe workplace for you and your employees. This course will teach you how to maintain and operate within the guidelines of this standard. If your company wishes to improve occupational health and safety, it is important for you to meet certain criteria, and we can show you how to do that in this course. Some of the topics covered include: 

  • How to eliminate potential workplace hazards.
  • How to prevent an injury in the workplace.
  • Improve general Occupational Health and Safety performance in your company.
OHSAS 18001: 2007 (transition to ISO 45001)

This is another international standard for identifying and controlling health and safety risks in your place of business. It is important that your company become certified in OHSAS 18001. A safe and certified workplace is always best for your employees. By becoming certified in OHSAS 18001, you will reduce the likelihood of accidents or injuries in your company.

OSHA Inspections & Audits

In this section of courses, your team will learn how to conduct safety audits. Safety audits are performed to be sure that your workplace is healthy, safe, and free of fire hazards. In this section, we can instruct you and your employees how to perform audits that evaluate your compliance with OSHA. Safety audits of this nature should be performed several times a year, so it is vital that you and your team be adept in how to perform violation abatements and how to take preventative actions to avoid violations.

Social Compliance Audits

If you want your company to be run with integrity, it is important that you operate within the guidelines of social compliance. Social compliance is a focus on your company’s practices and policies that protect the health and safety of your employees. In order to carry these out, you and your team will need to be instructed in how to perform social compliance audits. These audits are conducted at your company to make sure you are operating within certain standards like labor laws and social responsibility guidelines. Some of the common social compliance violations include child labor, forced labor, and health and safety violations.

Online Training:

In recent times, doing business virtually and online has become very popular, and even necessary. The team at CPR & Safety Training and Consulting believes in providing a flexible and convenient method of making sure your employees are safely certified. This is why we have teamed up with J.J. Keller and associates. We have designed an interactive way for you to meet all of your certifications anytime, and anywhere.

Some of the top features of our online training programs include:

Customizable Roles and Permissions: In the spirit of working together, our online platform uses a training group feature. On this platform you can work with other students or instructors to receive a full interactive experience.

Customizable Training Course Curriculums: Do you have more than one certification to meet? Our online platform makes it simple for you to enroll in several courses at one time. Customizing a specific curriculum to meet your company’s needs has never been easier! 

Customizable Student Groups: If you have a group of employees that require the same or similar training, enrolling them in an online group training may make things very easy for you. The option to customize a group of students makes for a convenient and flexible method of online instruction. 

Custom Solutions: As with the above benefits, the custom solutions option makes it easy for you to tailor your training to your own needs. Flexibility and convenience are our main priority in our online training platform.

What Makes Online Training Beneficial?

In recent times, digital communication has become necessary. This is true in the world of compliance training as well. Besides being a health risk, there are many reasons why in-person group compliance training courses are inconvenient for business owners. Online compliance training can alleviate some of those problems. What are the benefits of getting your certifications online?

  1. Online Training is cost effective! By performing your compliance training online, you could save a good amount of funds. Our online students can access their courses anytime and anywhere they need to, which could save you money on hourly in-person training.
  1. Online Training is Convenient. Your team can do their training anywhere and at any time, which will be convenient for them and for you. The training might even be more effective for them because of the level of freedom online training provides. Your employees can arrange for their instruction on their own time, therefore their day to day business will not be negatively affected.
  1. There is Variety in Online Training. Every employee’s training can be tailor suited to each of their needs. This gives them flexibility to develop the required skills and certifications they need, when they need it. Not every employee will need to take the same courses. On our online training platform, you will only have to take the courses you need!
  1. Online Training Provides Instant Feedback. After each course, your employee can get the results of their work and feedback about their performance. Your team can also track their own results and revisit areas in which they may have struggled. This gives your team the opportunity to not only receive the proper certifications, but develop new skills at their own pace.
  1. Interactive online training provides engaging material. With our interactive training courses, your team will learn with the best material available. This will help them to retain the information they are learning as well as keep them focused

Our online partnership with J.J. Keller and Associates has opened a digital door in the world of compliance training. We believe in the customized training experience, and this takes it to a new level. Technology is constantly evolving, providing new means of learning and professional growth. Besides the above highlights, there are many more benefits to receiving compliance training online. For more information, call CPR & Safety Training and Consulting  anytime!

First class service for every person, every class, every company, and every interaction-YOU are our highest priority!