What’s that sound? What’s your plan?


The sound of businesses, both big and small, opening their doors in whatever way permitted is music to my ears and I am sure yours, especially if you own or operate one of them. Something that many took for granted-being able to run to the store for a few things has become a chore and the privilege of being able to take out a library book is something that still remains a question in my mind. As businesses begin to adjust to this “new normal”, we can’t forget about the basics-what’s it going to take to keep our employees, vendors, customers, etc. safe? There is so much more to understanding this culture change that it will be challenging for many. Conversations pre-Covid about training employees sometimes involved explaining to someone that has been doing the same job for 30 years the same way, why they need to do it differently in the name if safety. With opening plans being mandated by states and trying to figure how that will all work in your facility, to now having to not only train your employees on the new procedures, but get them to “buy into” the why factor.


What is the “why? factor”? All safety professionals embark on this challenge, often daily. We have to explain to people why they need to follow rules, guidelines, procedures, laws, etc. in the workplace. This will be especially challenging now as the added pressure about how to handle customers, visitors, vendors, delivery people, etc. that are not respecting guidelines. We don’t want to increase risk as a result of implementing this “new normal”. How do we lower risk? Good question-good thing I have an answer-TRAINING & EDUCATION. Let’s make sure your opening and operating plan is thorough enough, that any engineering measures (dividers, walls, floor markings, etc.) are put in place properly and safely, and that your employees are trained properly on how to function in the “new normal” way of doing their jobs. Let’s make sure that productivity can still thrive while maintaining a safe and happy workplace. Let Safety Sarah deliver the message-I’ll take the pressure for you!

Please email me, message me, call me for more information of how Safety Sarah can help. Need engineering help, I have contacts for you-just ask! sarah@safetytrainingconsulting.com